Interview with Hoshino Hidehiko
Ongaku to Hito
July 2024
text by Kanemitsu Hirofumi
photograph by Sasahara Kiyoaki_L Management
Now, is the time for change
Hoshino Hidehiko will celebrate his 58th birthday on 16 June. This once-a-year series has continued these past 23 years since 2001 with the simple reason that “[his] birthday is in June”, but more often than not, the publishing period doesn’t coincide with a release, so it frequently results in him talking about his ordinary, carefree, leisurely daily life. But that’s not all for this year. BUCK-TICK now consists of four members and they’re recording something new while exploring a new style. Furthermore, where Hoshino stands in the band has changed and as he approaches his 60th birthday, he’s looking to change things up.
What he talks about hasn’t changed much; it’s his usual way of daily life but when it comes to the band, there’s a change in his attitude and his resolve comes across. Recording is going well, so the day when we get to hear what the overhauled BUCK-TICK sounds like probably isn’t too far off. From each word he spoke, I sensed anticipation more than anxiousness.
I quite often attend my friends’ concerts
The other day, I went to see my first SUPER BEAVER show
――Once again, it’s June.
Hoshino (H): Sure is. It still continues even after publishing two books, doesn’t it? This series (lol).
――It’ll keep going until the end of Ongaku to Hito (lol). Now, how has this year’s Hoshino-san been?
H: Recording work has begun but right before that, I went to Tomamu (Hoshino Resorts TOMAMU Ski Area) in spring to ski and all. Since it’s been a while since I could spend time with the family.
――I’m glad to hear you enjoying yourself.
H: It was my first time at Tomamu but it was great. I’d like to go again.
――When we did our interviews remotely, I noticed that the number of snowboards behind your home studio increased (lol).
H: Hahahaha. Because my studio is gradually turning into a storeroom. There are three boards in there now (lol).
――Sure is tough being a dad (lol).
H: There aren’t any big changes at home…… Ah, my eldest son who was studying abroad has changed his plans and come back. He’s resumed university too. Things have gotten lively again at home. He said it’s hard living in the UK (lol).
――I see (lol). Hoshino-san has also started going out recently, haven’t you?
H: That’s right. I quite often attend my friends’ concerts. The other day, I went to see my first SUPER BEAVER show.
――Oh, that’s a surprise!
H: I got to know bassist Kenta (Uesugi Kenta) through T$UYO$HI-kun from The BONEZ. And we grew closer meeting at dinner parties and other events.So, he invited me to a show. Other than that, I also went to see The BONEZ, Kishidan, GLAY too. And Maneskin as well. Every now and then I’m going.
――What music are you listening to these days?
H: I mainly listen to playlists on subscription services¹.
――Ah, so you listen to your own playlists you put together with the songs you like?
H: No, no, no, doing that is troublesome so I only listen to things like these (he then shows me his phone screen).
――“Introduction to² Oasis”, “Introduction to² Ed Sheeran”, “Introduction to² Garbage” (lol).
H: I listen to these on and off.
――But do you really have to listen to “Introduction to² BOØWY” in this day and age? (lol)
H: Ahaha. Nostalgic, though, isn’t it? Also, when I wake up on Sundays, it’ll be “Sunday Morning”. If it rains, it’ll be “Rainy Day”. There’s quite a variety.
――And if you like [a song], you’ll save it?
H: Nah, just in the moment (lol). I’d think, “Aah, what a nice song,” but once the next song comes on, I’d go “oh well” and leave it to stream away.
――I was aware, but this is a really un-musician-like story (lol).
H: You already know, don’t you (lol).
――How old are you turning this June again?
H: I’ll turn 58.
――Getting closer to your 60th.
H: Yeah, well, that’s true. Anii (Yagami Toll / drummer) is already past 60 but, next year, there will be one more person who will reach that stage of life too.
――Is there someone you admire in terms of how they live their later years?
H: Like, how they age and grow older?
――That’s right. In recent times…… Maybe Tachi Hiroshi?
H: Tachi Hiroshi is certainly cool (lol).
――Aged 74. At the red carpet event for the Abudeka is Back (帰ってきた あぶない刑事 / Kaettekita Abunai Deka) movie, he picked up Asano Atsuko in his arms and carried her bridal-style, didn’t he?
H: That’s amazing (lol). Something like that is impossible [for me]. I’m worried for my back (lol). But I look up to old men who live with an easygoing mannerism more instead of that level of a petit-maître. Like Tokoro-san (Tokoro George), and, who was it…… That easygoing and kinda risque [guy].
――Uhhh…… Girolamo?
H: Not him (lol). Ah, Takada Junji-san. Doesn’t he look like he’s having fun living life? That’s what I want to become.
――I doubt it’s possible to be as carefree as him though, right? (Lol). Anyway, you mentioned that you’re currently in the midst of recording, but how’s that going?
H:There’s one song; it’s not completed yet but there are songs that are more or less done. There are a number of tracks that already have the bass recorded, so we’re just making progress by working on each of them, one by one.
When I’m composing music, I can’t just think about composing a nice melody
I have to start by considering that if I’m going to sing, I’d try not to have to play the guitar so much in concert.
――You’re working on finishing the songs one by one because Yuta-san (Higuchi Yutaka / bassist) requested so, right?
H: That’s right. But in terms of the big picture…… I don’t feel like we’re at a stage when we can see it yet.
――The album’s?
H: Whether it’s the album’s or the direction of the new BUCK-TICK, I suppose. The songs are pretty much done to some extent, but as to how we’re going to give them shape with what kind of balance and so on, I guess there are some areas we’re still figuring out.
――What are you figuring out?
H: As of now, I can’t really go into detail yet (lol). Mm…… Sound-wise it won’t be the same as what we’ve done all this time, so I guess, we’re figuring out how to bring it all together.
――Everyone’s looking forward to it with bated breath.
H: Even I am looking forward to it, you know?
――What are Hoshino-san’s thoughts after listening to that one almost-complete track?
H: In summary, it [feels] new, has a BUCK-TICK-ness to it, and carries the conviction that the band will continue on. Things like that. Of course, I know that we’re going to become a BUCK-TICK unlike before, but probably, I suppose everyone expects as much. I guess it feels more like a diagonal shift.
――Is it tough creating something unlike anything you’ve done before despite carrying the same band name?
H: Nah, I thought it was surprisingly workable. New ideas kept popping up too…… Well, we absolutely had to have them but it was surprisingly less of a struggle than I expected.
――And of course, Hoshino-san is also putting out music, right?
H: A number of them already. But Imai-san (Imai Hisashi / guitarist) did far more than me. He’s really churning them out.
――Is Hoshino-san doing vocal recording?
H: That, I am (sharp gaze).
――Ohh! So that means it’s Imai and Hoshino, you two who are recording vocals.
H: Mm. Sometimes we do it together too, all that.
――Not Yuta-san, though?
H: He absolutely refused (lol).
――Hahahahahaha. In the past, Anii said that he would do it if asked (lol).
H: While drumming? We’ll give it a think (lol).
――With the way things are this time, did you feel like you had to change the mindset you’ve had thus far?
H: Right. Well…… When we made the decision to continue as four, the switch had already happened. Probably all four of us at that point had already taken the first step forward. We had no choice but to make it work, so we switched gears. Half a year has passed since then, so we can just take our time to get used to this state of affairs from here on out. That’s what I thought. Since we already decided to continue, we definitely won’t forget [the past], but we have to move forward. That’s how our mindset changed.
――But wouldn’t you have never expected that such a big change would happen to you just before your 60th?
H: Well, yeah.
――Imai-san was happy playing guitar on the side of the stage, and Hoshino-san was happy to take a step back and just compose songs in your distinctive style. The roles that you play in BUCK-TICK have undergone a huge change.
H: Well, we started by first dividing up responsibilities. Even though I’m still composing music, I can’t just think about composing a nice melody the same way I have so far. I have to start by considering that if I’m going to sing, I would want to make it such that I don’t have to play the guitar so much in concert.
――Yes, I see.
H: But this is also life, right? (Lol) The fact that such things can happen too. It’s a test we never saw coming but we don’t know what will happen or how things will turn out, so I think the only thing I can do is to enjoy the change.
――Thus far, Hoshino-san’s songs for BUCK-TICK had their special characteristics, right? Is that going to change a little too?
H: Most likely. Of course, there are parts that I would like to keep, but there are also parts that are rather different.
――Because of that sudden change in mindset.
H: That’s right.
――How’s the rest of the band?
H: Initially, Yuta seemed to take it really hard but now, I think he’s slowly getting back to normal. Everyone’s got a little more things they need to do now though. Like, I’m even going for vocal training.
H: Might as well, since I’ll be singing, right? At the same time, I feel like I don’t have to worry too much about it, but I don’t normally raise my voice, you know? And I haven’t been to any karaoke sessions recently either (lol).
――I’m looking forward to it. All that’s left is for Hoshino-san to live everyday relaxed, in all positive meanings of it.
H: Yeah, well, that much is fine. When recording, there are a lot of first-times so that makes me nervous but we’re spending a longer than usual time on it, and things are scheduled with quite a number of intervals so there’s time to think anyway. During those periods, I can take it easy.
――That’s nice.
H: Well, but as long as I’m at home, I’m a pick-up and drop-off service among other miscellaneous jobs, you know (lol).
――Being a dad is busywork (lol). When you turn sixty in two years, let’s release a commemorative book.
H: Like a compilation (lol).
――We’ll go to an island further south than the previous [photo shooting] locations of Taiwan and Okinawa.
H: In that case, for variety’s sake, [let’s go to] Italy or something (lol).
¹ E.g. Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube Music etc.
² I thought of using the typical naming convention that is available in Spotify (This is –), but I’m not sure what it looks like in Japanese. The names of the playlists here following the naming convention that implies “Introduction to –” (はじめての — / hajimete no —) so that’s what I decided to use instead. I have no idea what platform he’s using, though. So I can’t be 100% sure that “Introduction to –” is the official naming convention in English, assuming the platform has an English interface, of course. He could very well be using a platform that’s exclusive to Japan.
2024.05.16 Hoshino Hidehiko BUCK-TICK
The photoshoot location for this year’s Poem of June was Odaiba’s sandy beach. The weather looked good and we planned to do the shoot in the lingering sunset at dusk, but when we looked at the weather forecast one day prior, it predicted stormy weather, and that a heavy storm warning might be issued starting that evening. Furthermore, there was news that typhoon-like winds might blow, so we started the photoshoot three hours before the originally planned time. The wind felt gentle and Hoshino-san laughed as he said, “Will the wind really pick up later on?” But it appears that in the evening, Odaiba really came under the beating of very strong wounds. It’s a real blessing we started early……
Translation: Yoshiyuki
Scans: Yoshiyuki