2023.04.12 | Victor Entertainment
Harem of Love
Words by Sakurai Atsushi
Music By Hoshino Hidehiko
炎 に 濡れた
この世は 夢 ね
路地裏 少年よ
わたし ただ étranger²
鏡の 向こう側
老婆が 手招く
わたし ただ étranger
ベールを翻し 消えた
炎 に 濡れた
この世は 夢 ね
カサブランカ 南へ
市場を さ迷えば
わたし ただ étranger
さあおいで Carnavalへ
死者達と踊れ さあ踊れ
炎 に 濡れた
この世は 夢 ね
夢や 幻
鏡よ 鏡
夢や 幻
鏡よ 鏡
老婆が笑う よ
A ha ha.. A ha ha
笑う.. よ
By: Yoshiyuki
Honoo ni nureta
Ai no haremu
Kono yo wa yume ne
Ai no haremu
Rojiura shounen yo
Rakuen wo shitteiru kai?
Mayoi konda Corridor
Watashi tada étranger²
Kagami no mukou gawa
Rouba ga te maneku
Yoishirete Labyrinth
Watashi tada étranger
Kasuka ni masukii¹ na kaori
Suna majiri anata no kage
Tanatosu no hana wo douzo
Beeru wo hirugaeshi kieta
Honoo ni nureta
Ai no haremu
Kono yo wa yume ne
Ai no haremu
Kasaburanka minami e
Marakeshu ni hitori
Ichiba wo samayoeba
Watashi tada étranger
Omae wa doko kara kita?
Watashi wa doko e yuku no darou
Saa oide Carnaval e
Shisha tachi to odore Saa odore
Honoo ni nureta
Ai no haremu
Kono yo wa yume ne
Ai no haremu
Omae wa sou sa
Yume ya maboroshi
Kagami yo Kagami
Rouba ga warau
Atashi mo sou sa
Yume ya maboroshi
Kagami yo Kagami
Rouba ga warau yo
A ha ha.. A ha ha
Warau.. yo
By: Yoshiyuki
Drenched in flames
Harem of love
This world is a dream
Harem of love
Hey, young boy in the alley
Do you know of paradise?
Wandering through a
Corridor I am just an outsider²
On the other side of a mirror
The old lady beckons
Intoxicated in a Labyrinth
I am just an outsider
A faint musky fragrance
Your shadow mingling with the sand
Take this flower of Thanatos
Disappearing with a turn of the veil
Drenched in flames
Harem of love
This world is a dream
Harem of love
To the south of Casablanca
alone, to Marrakesh
As I wander the marketplace
I am just an outsider
Where did you come from?
Where am I going?
Now come, to the Canaval
to dance with the dead, let’s dance
Drenched in flames
Harem of love
This world is a dream
Harem of love
That’s what you are
A dream, an illusion
Mirror, oh, mirror
The old lady laughs
That’s what I am too
A dream, an illusion
Mirror, oh, mirror
The old lady is laughing
A ha ha.. A ha ha
Laughing.. away
¹The kanji is normally read as jakou, but it would seem that Sakurai decided to stylise it as masukii (musky) instead.
² French for stranger, typically used in legal contexts to refer to a foreigner (alien).